Improving accessibility for women is invaluable to their social and emotional wellness.
Refugees face many barriers to access comprehensive and equitable education, work, and health solutions. Resettlement agencies provide initial support for refugees' integration. Yet additional assistance is vital to meet ongoing needs and truly feel part of a community. RWR prioritizes women's health and wellness, creating a holistic standard for families.
To address their unique needs, we offer a safe space for refugee women physically, emotionally, intellectually and mentally. We understand that self-empowerment through social and emotional learning is critical for women’s long-term integration into a new culture and community.
Refugee Women Rising relies on women with lived experience to share personal and community priorities for intentional curricula. This is achieved through varying programs such as:
Art and literacy
Tea Times and shared meals
Workshops and Seminars with female professionals
Classroom instruction
Our Women’s Wellness programs offer ongoing cultural orientation – similar to adult continuing education.